Heartbeat & Breathing Detection System

Sudden cardiac arrest or respiratory distress is a serious problem that can affect anyone, especially elderly or high-risk individuals.

Timely detection and intervention is crucial for saving lives and preventing serious health consequences.

Traditional monitoring methods may not be able to detect these conditions quickly enough, leading to delays in treatment.

It is important to note that the system is a detection system only and is not a medical or rescue system.


Key Features

Read interesting in our system
  • Wireless Technology

    The system is equipped with state-of-the-art millimeter wave radar which detects falls of human-being accurately.

  • Real-time Monitoring

    Continuous monitoring enables immediate detection and response, ensuring timely medical assistance.

  • Non-intrusive Design

    The system can be seamlessly integrated into the environment without hindering the mobility or comfort of patients or elderly residents.

  • User-friendly interface

    The system features an intuitive interface that is easy to understand and operate, making it accessible to caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Our Experience

We think what you need to face

Heartbeat & Breathing Detection - Face Up

Heartbeat & Breathing Detection - Sleep on Side

Heartbeat & Breathing Detection - Face Down

Heartbeat & Breathing Detection - Alarm